We are on vacation from 4th to 11th Oct 24 - Dutyship surgeries you find here!

New dates for vaccinations against influenza 2024 are available! -  Hot topic: The COVID situation 

Prevention is better than aftercare


We offer general preventive medical check-ups in line with the provisions of Germany’s Association for Physicians (KBV) – every three years for people aged 35 and older, and on a one-time basis for people aged 18-34.

The check-up includes:

  1. First appointment to take blood (after fasting), biometric measurement (height, weight), urine sample and an ECG for everyone over 50 or if indicated.
  2. Second appointment: examination by a physician, check-up of general vaccination status and subsequent discussion of all findings.

Certified skin cancer screening

Skin cancer screening is available from the age of 35 as part of your check-up or in a separate appointment.

Colorectal cancer screening

Between the ages of 50 and 54, you are entitled to an annual blood stool test. We will also be happy to advise you in detail about colorectal cancer screening.

Early detection of abdominal aortic aneurysm

Men over the age of 65 are entitled to a one-off ultrasound examination for any possible abdominal aortic aneurysm. We will be glad to provide you with more detailed information about this.

We also supervise the following Disease Management Programs (DMP)

  • DMP Diabetes mellitus II
  • DMP bronchial asthma

We offer...

  • Long-term blood pressure measurement
  • Resting ECG
  • 24h-ECG
  • Pulmonary function testing
  • Abdominal and uro-genital ultrasound
  • Basic geriatric assessment
  • Test procedures for various clinical symptoms
  •  Investigations according to the Youth Labor Protection Act (§33JArbSchG)
  •  traffic medical examinations

One-stop medical care - The HzV

You can sign up for a "local practicioner based care" program (Hausarztzentrierte Versorgung) if your insurance company is participating.

This means:

Your general practicioner / family doctor is your first person of contact and coordination concerning your medical issues.

Enlarged time frames, more intense medical prevention means, consistent management of specialist appointments, better control of your health development.

As is: One-Stop medical care

Participating insurance companies in Lower Saxony are:

  • AOK Niedersachsen
  • AOK Bremen/Bremerhaven
  • Audi BKK
  • DAK
  • hkk
  • KKH
  • Knappschaft
  • pronova BKK

Just ask your insurance company for further details. Or just ask us.

Comprehensive vaccination protection

We perform all vaccinations for adolescents and adults in accordance with the STIKO Vaccination Calendar (in German).

All travel vaccinations, if available, are treated as self-pay services either with or without travel advice.

Seasonal influenza vaccinations with a tetravalent vaccine will be available in October 2022.

Vaccinations against coronavirus take place regularly in weekly clusters. Please feel free to contact our reception desk to find out when appointment bookings for these are available. If you like, feel free to present your vaccination card for checking your vaccination status and informing you about when it's time again.

When the soul is crying out and the body is screaming...

When people come into the general medical practice with physical ailments, like a sprained hand or a sore throat, the reason for their visit is often immediately clear.

However, chronic ailments – sometimes acute ones – often stem from more than just a physical cause. Basic psychosomatic care involves recognising this fact, assessing symptoms within the context of the patient’s other life circumstances, and initiating initial treatment steps if required.

This is just as much a part of a general practitioner’s core competencies as the treatment of purely physical illnesses – and forms an essential part of diligent patient care in our medical practice.

For the simple things – The video consultation

We are located in the heart of beautiful natural surroundings, conveniently between the towns of Peine, Braunschweig and Gifhorn. But sometimes the journey to the surgery is just too long or the time available too limited for what you have to discuss with your doctor.

On such occasions we also offer video consultations.

Appointment bookings can be made through our surgery and online as well. As of late online video consultation can also be booked for weekend appointments. Available dates can be checked on a daily base via online booking system. To make use of this service, you only need to visit or have visited our surgery at least once in the past.

from 1st July 24 bookings for video consultations are only processed via jameda platform service. Bookings can be arranged via our jameda portal button or directly via jameda website on our profile page. Once you have booked you will receive a confirmation e-mail for the video appointment. In time prior to the start of the consultation, you will receive the invitation e-mail with the link to the video consultation with the doctor.

Please make sure you have the latest version of one of the following browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) or at least Android 10 or iOS15 installed on your mobile device.